solar panels on a commercial building's roof
Laura Henley

Laura Henley

Laura is a Digital Copywriter in our (award-winning) marketing team, tasked with keeping you up to date with all the latest industry news and gossip. With a wealth of experience under her belt, there's no one better to keep you entertained and informed.

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Solar panels have been used on residential buildings for years, but is becoming more common in commercial buildings.

Solar power isn’t just for those eco-conscious homeowners.

With increasing levels of confidence in solar and energy costs continuing to increase, more and more businesses are making the decision to switch to a more sustainable model for their electricity.

As most businesses operate during the day, solar panels are the ideal green energy solution since they allow your business to run off sunshine. And they can be a fantastic investment for a business of any size, especially if you have an electric vehicle fleet.

Want to know why commercial solar panels are the ultimate investment for your business? 

Here’s four benefits of solar for commercial buildings.

Thinking about installing solar panels to charge your fleet vehicles?

Lower energy bill

Solar energy is cost-effective, which is one of the most compelling reasons for businesses to invest in solar power; the potential for significant cost savings.

Energy bills have a big impact on a business’ overall earnings. Generating your own solar energy will significantly reduce your electricity bill every month.

Yes, solar panels are an expensive investment, but you’ll start to see reductions in your electricity bills almost instantly and these savings can be redirected to other areas of the business.

Plus, solar panels often last more than 20 years, so you can rely on them for decades to keep your energy bills down.

Reduce your carbon footprint & greener reputation

If you’re a business that’s looking to reduce your carbon footprint, then solar panels are the answer to your problems and could be a big part of your long-term sustainability strategy.

By generating clean energy, you’ll significantly reduce how much carbon dioxide your business emits on a daily basis.

Solar panels will also help with your eco-credentials and give you a greener reputation. So many customers, businesses, and potential employees are making decisions on who to associate with based on their commitment to their sustainability goals.

Commercial solar panels on a company's building's roof

Reduce dependance on national grid

It’s possible to go completely off grid with solar panels.

By not being reliant on the National Grid, your business’ building is self-sufficient and invulnerable to power cuts which can waste time and even cause delays to your everyday operations. Especially if you have an electric fleet and charge your fleet cars on your premises.

Plus, with the fluctuating energy market prices, you’re essentially buying your electricity at a set cost when using solar panels, so you’re given protection from these rising energy prices.

It’s important to note though that if you do go off grid, you need to have a secondary source of power when you can’t use your primary source. Businesses will usually purchase a battery storage device as a result of this to store any unused energy to use at a later date, which is an extra cost to think about.

Make profit

Your solar panels can also become an additional income stream for your business.

If your panels produce extra energy that exceeds the usage of your business, then you can sell this back to the National Grid for profit.

Install commercial solar panels to reduce electricity costs

There are plenty of benefits that go with installing solar panels at your business premises.

We have partnered with Eden Sustainable, an industry leader in commercial and industrial solar PV, to help with your commercial solar panel needs.

So, we cannot only facilitate the supply of your electric fleet vehicles, but we can help support those vehicles with renewable energy solutions and charging infrastructure too.

Ready to install your commercial solar panels?